Petrol Price Rises in Western Australia
Western Australia has recently seen petrol prices rise to all time highs. As a result, our customers are asking us how to save money on petrol when camping. We’ve put together these quick tips to help you cut petrol expenses on your holiday. You’ll find that small steps will save you $1-$5 each time you fill the tank. Over time, these small savings can add up to a significant amount of money.
Fuel Prices in Western Australia
At the time of this blog post – May 2011 – petrol prices in Western Australia are approx. $1.50/litre. The price is similar for Diesel. The price can vary through the weekly price cycle, with the cheapest day typically being Wednesday. The most expensive fuel days are Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The weekly price cycle may change from town-to-town, so if you’re keen to buy petrol on the cheapest days, ask the locals. Of course, you can also ask the team in our office. Be sure to check with us when you book your rental camper vehicle.
How to Cut Your Fuel Expenses
- Avoid Remote Fuel Stops. It’s very common for remote and rural areas to charge a premium fuel price over city areas. If you’re intending to hit the open road, always make sure you fill the tank before you leave the last major city. By refuelling at city prices, you can save a signifant amount of money with each full tank.
- Refuel on Cheapest Days. As discussed earlier in this article, Western Australian fuel prices generally follow a weekly price cycle. By talking with locals, or simply taking time to observe, you’ll discover which days are cheapest to refuel.
- Take Advantage of Fuel Discount Vouchers. If you choose to buy groceries in large Australian supermarket chains, you’ll most likely receive a fuel voucher attached to your shopping receipt. These vouchers are usually provided when you spend over $30 on groceries and can save you around 0.04c per litre. Consider these vouchers a bonus and use them for extra savings at the bowser!
TOP TIP – Drive Economically
In addition to the above tips, it’s important to drive economically in your rental camper. By maintaining an economical speed of approx. 80-90km/hour, you will use less fuel. In addition, observe the following tips to reduce fuel consumption:
- Limit air-conditioner use
- Accelerate gently (don’t “step on the gas”!)
- Make sure tyres are pumped to the correct tyre pressure
Watch the Small Savings Add Up
Following these easy tips will save you dollars with each refuel. Over time, these small savings can really add up.
For more camping tips, be sure to read our website. We’re always happy to answer your questions, so be sure to give us a call or use the easy contact form on this website. We hope to hear from you soon!