Need Last Minute Campervan Rental?
Are you stressed out trying to find last minute campervan rental? As the hours are closing in on your holiday, don’t waste time trawling through large aggregator and agency sites. We welcome you to call us direct.
When you call our phone number, or use the contact form on this website, you contact us direct. There’s no middle-men or agencies to deal with, so you’ll know sooner whether a last minute campervan rental is available for your holiday.
Last Minute Campervan Rental Made Easy
1 – Pick up the phone. It’s faster to pick up the phone and call us. That’s because we’ll tell you immediately whether we have vehicles available.
2 – After Hours? If you need to organise your last minute campervan rental after hours, feel free to contact us via the easy booking forms on this website. We’ll get back to you within a few business hours.
3 – Have Your Deposit Ready To secure bookings, we require a deposit. The exact amount depends on the vehicle you book. If you want no doubts about your last minute campervan rental booking, we make it easy for you to pay a deposit and secure your dates.
So, when you need last minute campervan rental, go ahead and contact us via this website. Any contact will go direct to our offices… where we keep our vehicles. Rest assured we have a large fleet of vehicles and, whilst most of our campers are booked in advance, there may be a cancellation or availablility that’s just right for you. Give us a call today.